Dan, profile photo

Tournament Update!

Hi gang, only two days to go before Sham Slam at the Y. Injuries are depleting the waitlist, so if you’re not already on the roster, sign up on the waitlist at the Wellness Desk before Saturday, or show up Saturday morning ready to play! 9am we start warmups and at 9:25 we substitute waitlisters in for no-shows.

See you there!

Keith, profile photo

Dan, if you could, you can add me to the waitlist. Cobra can come play!

Chris, profile photo

I have the Dink Responsively t-shirt. Second line is "Don't get smashed"

Dan, profile photo

Hi gang!
You heard it here first…

Karen and I just emerged from a super secret taste testing in the malty bowels of Lucky Goat Brewery, 379 Main Street, Wareham. It looked like a scene from that old Crackerjacks commercial with the three witches… what’s in this beer? “a pinch of chicken giggles…left ear of a giant…a purple flurp!”

Actually, this fine pickleball IPA we were tasting was concocted with care by master brewer Aaron Perry using pristine waters from ancient aquifers (under Charge Pond Road, I think) and an exotic hops from New Zealand. DINK RESPONSIBLY goes on tap at Lucky Goat tomorrow at 3pm!

I’ve seen the can label going to the printers… Like the Zero Zero Two IPA label featuring “Ranger” Pete Allard, this label will likely, someday, hang in the Louvre! Yet again, Lucky Goat corporate big wigs chose a Jimmy G photographic masterpiece — Picklers in the Mist — to grace cans of this exclusive elixir! Cans should be available in a couple weeks, but uber fresh Dink Responsibly IPA (5.2% ABV) will be on tap on premises at Lucky Goat tomorrow!

Let Lucky Goat proprietors Kendall Peabody, Caitlin Hurd and Aaron know what you think.



Love the name , DINK RESPONSIBLY!!! Can't wait to see the can art, my husband will enjoy the taste test.


say wattttt....